February 21, 2012

I Expect The Renminbi To Double Or Triple In The Next Decade

I own the renminbi. Every time I can, I buy more renminbi. I expect the renminbi to double or triple in the next decade or two. - in Bloomberg

Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentaror. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York TImes, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.

I Don`t Own Any US Equities

"I don’t own any U.S. equities." - in a recent Bloomberg TV interview

Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York TImes, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.